
Archive for the ‘transmedics’ Category

This bloody machine has a heart but no brains

This by far left me wondering what organ if any cant be transplanted and kept alive? I want to say the final frontier in live organ transplant is the human brain, just the sheer thought that a brain can be put into another body is something out of robocop. Yes I said robocop, do you not remember in part 2 the main villain Cain had he’s brain put inside a fully mechanized bot. No still don’t remember? Ok Ill warm up that noggin of yours then. Below ive placed the battle between two “transhumans”a battle which was won when robocop removed Cain’s brain that was housed inside the machine utimately breaking the nervous system link he had to the machine.

I guess my next logical question is , how long can the brain survive? What is the age limit of the brain? If we could get rid of the external body completely and use a mechanized robot body with our biological brain how long would we be able to sustain our life?

For these questions I highly recommend this PBS special called The Aging Brain
The latest discoveries in neuroscience present a new view of how the brain ages. Overturning decades of dogma, scientists recently discovered that even into our seventies, our brains continue producing new neurons. Scientists no longer hold the longstanding belief that we lose vast numbers of brain cells as we grow older. The normal aging process leaves most mental functions intact, and may even provide the brain with unique advantages that form the basis for wisdom. The aging brain is also far more resilient than was previously believed.

This bloody machine has a heart but no brains

This by far left me wondering what organ if any cant be transplanted and kept alive? I want to say the final frontier in live organ transplant is the human brain, just the sheer thought that a brain can be put into another body is something out of robocop. Yes I said robocop, do you not remember in part 2 the main villain Cain had he’s brain put inside a fully mechanized bot. No still don’t remember? Ok Ill warm up that noggin of yours then. Below ive placed the battle between two “transhumans”a battle which was won when robocop removed Cain’s brain that was housed inside the machine utimately breaking the nervous system link he had to the machine.

I guess my next logical question is , how long can the brain survive? What is the age limit of the brain? If we could get rid of the external body completely and use a mechanized robot body with our biological brain how long would we be able to sustain our life?

For these questions I highly recommend this PBS special called The Aging Brain
The latest discoveries in neuroscience present a new view of how the brain ages. Overturning decades of dogma, scientists recently discovered that even into our seventies, our brains continue producing new neurons. Scientists no longer hold the longstanding belief that we lose vast numbers of brain cells as we grow older. The normal aging process leaves most mental functions intact, and may even provide the brain with unique advantages that form the basis for wisdom. The aging brain is also far more resilient than was previously believed.